A Guide For Greek Students Who Want To Study In Foreign Countries


Greek Students

Here we discuss how Greek students can find information on where to study for further education. Details include how to apply, entry requirements, getting a student visa, tuition fees and funding, finding study abroad scholarships and other practical information.

Choosing your country

More Greek students are seeking to study abroad to gain an education qualification accepted globally, to experience a new culture, improve a second language skill and improve future employment prospects.

Whilst studying abroad is a challenge, choosing your further education in a country based on your own personal interests as well as the country’s academic reputation, will help you maintain a healthy work/life balance.

When choosing where in the world you wish to study, you should think about practicalities such as the costs of studying in that country in terms of both tuition costs and living costs, your career prospects after graduation and your safety and welfare. As an EU citizen, you may be able to study in another EU country university for free or at low charge.

Popular destinations including Australia, Canada, the UK and the US have highly rated education establishments, but tuition fees and living costs can be high.

Financial costs

You can search online for the average tuition fees for international students wanting to complete an undergraduate course in your chosen country, as well as the cost of living. The average tuition fees for international students studying at a UK university undergraduate course are UK£12,000 (EU 13,800) a year, with an additional UK£7,000 (EU8,000) per year needed to cover living costs. In the US, the average yearly costs are almost double that of the UK.

The good news is, that as an EU country, Greek students pay no tuition fees at all in some countries, including Germany, and Nordic countries where undergraduate-level education is free for all. France also has very low cost education tuition fees.

To help with tuition fees and living costs apply for scholarships, fellowships, studentships, sponsorships, grants and bursaries. Your institution’s website is likely to have information about study abroad scholarships offered by the university and other external organizations, together with eligibility criteria and application details. Also research governmental schemes in Greece that help fund your education abroad.

Completing your application

Once you are decided on the institution and the course you want to take, you will need to complete an application. Each institution will provide full details of how to submit your application on their official website. If you need a student visa, apply to your institution as soon as possible as your visa may not be released until you have received a letter of acceptance.

In some cases there is a “two-step application process” for Greek students to universities. This means you must submit two applications: one for a place at the university and one for a place on the course itself. This should be clearly stated on the university’s website.

As a prospective international student, only the most competitive programs will ask you to attend an admissions interview in person. Some institutions hold international interviews in various locations around the world or your interview may be online via Skype or other video conference programme.

Entry requirements for study abroad programs

For non-native speakers wanting to study abroad, it is highly likely that you will need to provide proof of your language proficiency.

Do I need to apply for a student visa?

If you want to study outside of the EU, it is likely you will need a student visa. If your education programme is shorter than three months a tourist or visitor visa may be sufficient, but check with the government travel website of your country of study.


Your institution should be able to offer advice on how to find accommodation.

Working whilst in education

If you do not need a student visa, it is more likely you will be able to work as many hours as you like, as long as this does not affect your studies, but check with your institution and official government site.

In some countries there are restrictions on the amount of paid work Greek students on a student visa can undertake.

There may be a limit on the number of hours paid work per week during term time, with full-time work permitted during holidays.

Of course you can always find an online job. Internet retailers and e-commerce sites like etsy.com or even smaller brands like anniversarygiftsforparents.co.uk are good places to start with if you like making business over the world wide web.