When it comes to higher learning, some universities are better is some areas than other. There are universities good in medicine, law and also accounting and finance. It can be very tough knowing which college is right in your area of specialisation. In this case, you are lucky because I will outline the universities which are the best in accounting and finance in the year 2016.
Some of the top universities are:
1. Harvard University
Harvard University is the greatest universities in the world that will offer you the best on accounting and finance. The school was first established in the year 1636 and named after one of its benefactors Sir John Harvard from Charlestown. Harvard is the oldest institutions of higher learning in America. The university has grown and blossomed in a beautiful way. The school began with only nine students with an only one master up to an enrollment of more than 18,000 candidates.
In Harvard University there is more than 2,000 faculty and more than 7,000 faculties in different teaching hospitals. The mission of the school is to promote enduring knowledge and give a new idea. This has made the university younger than it is expected. It is the best university that you can get your course in accounting and finance.
2. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
MIT is the second best school that can offer you an excellent course in accounting and finance. The mission of the University is to provide advanced education and knowledge to the students in the nation and the whole world in 21st century. The institute is known to generate preserving and disseminating knowledge. MIT is dedicated to providing all the students who are in the school with an education that combines rigorous academic study.
The school was first started in the year 1865 four years after it was given an approval of the founding charter. The university will develop you creatively, efficiently and wisely. The opening of the school marked the culmination of an effort by Barton Rogers who is a natural scientist. Rogers believed that the competence fostered by teaching, researching and focusing attention on the real world.
3. Stanford University
Stanford University is the third best university that you can ever get the best in accounting and finance. The school enrols more than 8,000 professional and graduates that are in 65 different departments. The university offers very many opportunities for students to offer various courses in the school. The University is renowned for the good faculties in the whole nation as well as outside the nation.
As a teaching and research institute, the University offers both graduate and undergraduate students chances to work closely with researchers and faculty. With the accounting and finance, the university will give you the best than your expectations.
4. London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE)
LSE is a public university in the UK that is well known for its leadership in social sciences. Other than social sciences, the university is also ranked fourth in proving the accounting and finance courses. The school makes a great significance in the marketing sector and to the whole world in general. The students in the university are well taught, and the research level is very high. By enrolling in the University, you will come out sure that you will be the best in the field of accounting and finance.
The nature of the university brings together the students and staff offering an international environment. In the 2016 ranking of the schools worldwide, the university was ranked among the top ten offering courses such as accounting and finance, media studies, geography and much more.
5. University of Oxford
The University of Oxford is the oldest university in the English-speaking world. The university has existed from the 9th century up to date. The University of Oxford attracts students from all parts of the world to undertake different courses in the school. In this case, the school will offer the best when it comes to accounting and finance.
It is a university that is well known because of its entrepreneur and innovative courses that have helped very many in developing them and their country.
There are very many schools in our globe that are existing and the ones that are still coming up. These colleges are also good, but there are the best universities that can offer you the course. These big universities are thy parents on the upcoming universities. We want what is the bets for you and that’s why we provide the best schools to offer you the best in business and accounting.